Nehir Yardimci

Nehir Yardimci – Vice President of Business Development

Nehir graduated from Eastern Mediterranean University in 1995 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering. He gained valuable field work experience as a construction site manager in Ankara, Turkey for 2 years.

In 1998, he moved to the United States and received his Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Global Management. He worked as a project engineer for the Ski Jump Construction Project for the 2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympics. During the Olympics he served as the Attaché for the Turkish National Olympic Committee and the president of Turkish American Federation Association of Utah. He joined the Salt Lake Neighborhood Housing Service and served as a site manager for home construction projects. He developed excellent working relationships with contractors and collaborated with engineers and project managers to meet deadlines.

In 2003 he returned to Iraq as a consultant for a U.S. based company pursuing work in Iraq, Africa and Afghanistan. Within the US company, he served the U.S. Army and the US Government as a subcontractor of the US Army, Lockheed Martin, KBR, Halliburton, making customer service one of his top priorities. He was the Area Operations Manager in Mosul, Iraq for 5 different U.S. Army DFAC operations from zero to turnkey. Until 2011 he managed and completed 9 projects up to 168 million USD as a contractor and project manager in Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa.

He has dynamic interpersonal skills which has enabled him to build excellent relations with contractors and subcontractors and as well as effectively deal with the politics found in stressful working environments. He is proficient in analyzing how organizations change, build capabilities, learn, remove boundaries, and leverage human resource activities, on the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

His hobbies are skiing, swimming, diving and water sports. He is on the advisory board of the Turkish Ski Federation and a member of Turkish National Olympic Committee.