Dr. Norman VanToai

Dr. Norman VanToai – Senior Vice President

Dr. VanToai obtained his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. Upon returning to Vietnam, he helped install the 132-MW Thu Duc Power Plant of the Vietnam Power Company (VPC) and subsequently was in charge of its operation. Prior to this time, he also served as Director of VPC Logistics Division and as Liaison Officer between VPC and the U.S. Agency of International Development.

In 1981, Dr. VanToai graduated with a Ph.D. degree in Economics at the State University of New York as a Fulbright Scholar. He subsequently joined the American Electric Power Company (AEP) in Columbus, Ohio as Manager for Load Analysis and Economic Forecasting. In that responsibility, he established AEP’s forecasting team to evaluate the economic performance of the 7 states served by the AEP system. Based on these analyses, he directed the preparation of economic and power forecasts for the AEP system utilizing econometric modeling techniques. Dr. VanToai also served as AEP’s official corporate representative in meetings, seminars, conferences, and trade discussions relative to state and federal energy strategies including natural gas deregulation, electric utility restructuring, transmission access, renewable energy generation, co-generation, and energy competitive bidding processes. In addition, he also directed the preparation and review of responses to data requests from state and federal energy regulatory agencies.

In 2000, he served as a senior International Trade Analyst in the Office of Industries of the U.S. International Trade Commission where his focus was U.S. anti-dumping and countervailing duty measures, Generalized System of Preference, and Annual Trade Balance Issues. In addition, he was also in charge of analyses of the general economic performance of Asian countries including Australia, and New Zealand. Dr. VanToai is well versed in international economic and trade issues and has investigated and prepared reports on economic, trade, and environmental issues in China, Thailand, India, and other Asian and Latin American countries. He was a major contributor to over 30 international anti-dumping and countervailing duty trade violation investigations.

During the last few decades, Dr. VanToai have given several seminars and lectures on electric power industries and international trade remedy issues to various government agencies, professional associations, and universities both in the United States and in Vietnam.

Dr. VanToai currently serves as Senior Vice President team of US-Asia Links LLC., a Maryland-based financial investment company. He is also the President of EXIM Network LLC, a Bethesda, Maryland, import and export advisory service company.